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Wrapped in God's Protection
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I received this note from the lady who interceded whilst I was receiving prayafter intersessor training. "I had an image come to me of a �cloud� of cotton wool being wrapped around you, and felt the Lord was saying He is wrapping you in cotton wool. My first attempt in my journal was rather disappointing so I tried again this time using my tablet & Infinite Painter app.
There is a saying that an �over-protective parent wraps their child in cotton wool� and is often considered a negative thing, but in this case it was definitely a positive thing.
Your Heavenly Father, like an over-protective parent is wrapping you, his beloved child, with His protection. Except that God is �perfectly-protective�! Be encouraged to know your Father loves you, and loves to protect you.
May you relax into His loving arms, find rest in His wrap-around embrace, and be at peace as He holds you close.
3-5He forgives your sins�every one.
He heals your diseases�every one.
He redeems you from hell�saves your life!
He crowns you with love and mercy�a paradise crown.
He wraps you in goodness�beauty eternal.
He renews your youth�you�re always young in his presence.
Psalm 103:3-5
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