“When my father and my mother forsake me,
Then the Lord will adopt me.”
Psalm 27:10
This is my

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
Before you were born I sanctified you;
I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”
Jeremiah 1:5
I was born in Germany, raised in South Africa & currently reside in New Zealand, since July 2014. I rediscovered my creative abilities in September 2017 & tried my hand at painting in September 2019.
I am a mixed-media artist who works in pencil and coloured pencils, watercolours, acrylics, pastels and digital scrap-booking.
As a faith-filled, life-speaking, fully devoted follower of Christ, my desire is to touch people’s hearts with the love of God & bring healing to the nations through creativity. Strong, gentle, fierce and compassionate, I create whimsical pieces that spread the message that God loves you, is there for you, and you’re never alone.

To equip & train people in ALL kinds of artful expressions that will edify the church as well as bring healing & restoration to the lost & broken. To take God's healing to the nations & bind their broken hearts with love.
To create a creative restoration & transformation centre (kind of soup kitchen for the soul) where we can represent God to the lost & found for transformation into the body of Christ. We will create a safe space where people can find salvation, healing, restoration & transformation into the body of Christ through all kinds of creative activities.