I Offered LOVE!
How much love does it take to save a man?🤔
How much love does it take to save a man?🤔
It demands every ounce — all the love one can muster, with nothing held back or reserved for anything else. Every act of kindness, every gesture of compassion and every moment of patience—it requires all.
Nothing must be saved or held back to be spent on something else. All-consuming, unwavering, and pure. Love in its entirety is what it takes.
As Mother Theresa once eloquently put it: "It takes it ALL. Nothing to be held back to be spent on something else."
Just as we are wounded in relationships, so are we healed in relationships. My passion and purpose are to create an environment where the broken-hearted can belong before they behave and be loved back to life so they, too, can become vessels of healing for others.
John 15:13: "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends." This means that the greatest love we can show for our friends is to sacrifice ourselves for them. The emphasis lies on "laying down his life" for them. That's what Jesus did for us, and as His followers, we ought to do the same.
In the future, when I am long gone, I pray that people will remember me as someone who's spent everything generously and lavishly on those who needed to feel God's love with skin on. After all, it's not about us but about Him being glorified in and through our lives.
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